Student Loan Information is a great website for all things student loans.You will find a number of resources including detailed explanations of the various types of repayment plans, a repayment estimator, and a number of helpful videos on the student loan process.

Budgeting is what I use to budget and keep track of my expenses. I recommend using the app for a month or two to get some insight into what you are spending and then create a budget using its standard categories.

Every Dollar is another budgeting app. I haven’t used it, but it’s recommended by Dave Ramsey. And if there is one person who knows about paying off debt fast, its Dave Ramsey. There is also a paid version Every Dollar Plus which is similar to Mint in that it will connect to your accounts to more accurately track your spending rather than manually entering your budget.

You Need a Budget is another budgeting app, and while I haven’t used it, I’ve been thinking about using it. According to its website, it costs $83.99, which is too much for me considering there are free budgeting apps. However, if you enjoy tracking data like me, this is probably the best app for you and you can try it free for 34 days.

Student Loan Refinancing

If you’ve had student loans for any period of time, you’ve probably heard of or received some mail from SoFi. While I chose not to refinance my loans, I like the option to lower your interest rate to reduce payments as well as the other features SoFi offers including unemployment protection.